Linux makes everything possible, with just a couple minutes you can get a cheap Macropad keyboard to run scripts and anything you can think of.
Tactics I have found that work surprisingly well to get your rank up in a few minutes and unlock stuff for a fairer gameplay
Colección de trucos que os ayudarán a controlar el iPhone en su máxima potencia, facilitará la vida, ahorrará tiempo y evitará frustraciones 30
Advanced tips on using VLC Player, the best free cross-platform media player 2
June 27, 2012 2
The 5 most important ones everyone should memorize and start using now when sending emails to communicate in a business environment. 1
November 4, 2011 3
Spreadsheet to distribute work and responsibilities between co-founders and calculate equity division fairly. 1
I develop amazing websites for startups and businesses
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