The former Pocket bookmarklet stopped working a while ago and shows a “Please Login” error message. I’ve found a solution that doesn’t require you to install the Chrome browser extension.
I am a huge fan of optimization and simple things. This is why I hate to install a browser extension when its functionality could be accomplished with a simple one line of code. Hence, bookmarklets are a great solution to keep your browser lightweight while at the same time provide extremely powerful features.
Please Login
Pocket has an official bookmarklet that was working great but as of lately it has been showing me a “Please Login” error message although I’m already logged in, or throwing other errors whenever I was visiting secure websites.
Pocket bookmarklet alternative
So here’s the bookmarklet, to install it, grab and drop it to your bookmarks bar:
Once you click it, it will open a small window that will add the current website to Pocket and then close automatically after 5 seconds. Go ahead, click on it right now to test it.
Francois says:
Genius, it works perfectly here. Funny how GetPocket’s own team can’t do their own JS… LOL.
Martin says:
Gosh nearly 5 years later its still needed.
Gilly says:
Still works like a charm! Thank you!
Illuminated says:
“May the Force be with you”