
Google Web Fonts Pack – 90+ free fonts for the web Modern browsers are now the vast percentage of website users and it is quite safe to use advanced features from CSS3 to some HTML5 as well as one of the most needed features which is using fonts the user didn’t have in its computer. Google is making a great effort on enabling and easing this […]

on January 27, 2011
(3 minute read)

Modern browsers are now the vast percentage of website users and it is quite safe to use advanced features from CSS3 to some HTML5 as well as one of the most needed features which is using fonts the user didn’t have in its computer. Google is making a great effort on enabling and easing this feature to all web developers by releasing a huge collection of open source fonts created by great typographers that generously have shared them.
You can either download all of them as a pack or have a look at the font screenshots here, once you download them go to the Font Preview to try some sample text and grab the CSS code which is auto-generated.

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In the Google Fonts Pack (February 2011) you will find: Allan, Allerta, Allerta Stencil, Anonymous Pro, Arimo, Arvo, Bentham, Buda, Cabin, Calligraffitti, Cantarell, Cardo, Cherry Cream Soda, Chewy, Coda, Coming Soon, Copse, Corben, Cousine, Covered By Your Grace, Crafty Girls, Crimson Text, Crushed, Cuprum, Droid Sans, Droid Sans Mono, Droid Serif, Fontdiner Swanky, GFS Didot, GFS Neohellenic, Geo, Gruppo, Hanuman, Homemade Apple, IM Fell DW Pica, IM Fell DW Pica SC, IM Fell Double Pica, IM Fell Double Pica SC, IM Fell English, IM Fell English SC, IM Fell French Canon, IM Fell French Canon SC, IM Fell Great Primer, IM Fell Great Primer SC, Inconsolata, Irish Growler, Josefin Sans, Josefin Slab, Just Another Hand, Just Me Again Down Here, Kenia, Kranky, Kristi, Lato, Lekton, Lobster, Luckiest Guy, Merriweather, Molengo, Mountains of Christmas, Neucha, Neuton, Nobile, OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT, Old Standard TT, Orbitron, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Sans Narrow, Permanent Marker, Philosopher, Puritan, Raleway, Reenie Beanie, Rock Salt, Schoolbell, Slackey, Sniglet, Sunshiney, Syncopate, Tangerine, Tinos, Ubuntu, UnifrakturCook, UnifrakturMaguntia, Unkempt, Vibur, Vollkorn, Walter Turncoat, Yanone Kaffeesatz

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Download the full pack here:
Google Fonts Pack (February 2011) (9.89MB)

The list is constantly updated by the Google Fonts team and they give you the option to donate to the font authors so you can buy them a nice dinner to thank them.

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