
Plants Vs Zombies – Money Cheat with 9 Slots at Last Stand mini-game This is my strategy for earning tons of money in Plants Vs Zombies if you only have 9 slots. You need to have finished the Adventure mode and at least 13 mini-games to play Last Stand mini-game. Strategy Stage 1 should look like this, 50 suns remaining. At Stage 2 save suns to rebuild new […]

on October 11, 2010
(1 minute read)

This is my strategy for earning tons of money in Plants Vs Zombies if you only have 9 slots. You need to have finished the Adventure mode and at least 13 mini-games to play Last Stand mini-game.


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Stage 1 should look like this, 50 suns remaining. At Stage 2 save suns to rebuild new garlics and Wall-nuts.

Plant collection setup (for 9 slots)

Stage 3



  • Stage 1: 1,420
  • Stage 2: 1,440
  • Stage 3: 1,210
  • TOTAL: 4,070

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This is from the first record although I’ve gathered up to 6,000.

This tactic is optimized for players with 9 slots. If you have 10 slots look for a better tactic since you will be able to have Pumpkins which will help a lot to get to the next stages.

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One comment

  • Plantern says:

    I got out of work early this afternoon, the ride home was horrible but having the oppourtunity to have the ability to play a round of Plants Vs Zombies made it all worth while. I am almost done with the game & can’t wait to the next game I will be the first to purchase it when it comes out in stores.

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