
Google algorythm has been cracked I once thought Google was invincible. And things are changing. What once was the one and only, the unbeatable Internet over-mind has been defeated. Google search engine, Internet’s starting point, is starting to decline… I still remember those days when I didn’t know about Google (about more than 10 years ago). By then, I used […]

on March 19, 2011
(2 minute read)

I once thought Google was invincible. And things are changing. What once was the one and only, the unbeatable Internet over-mind has been defeated. Google search engine, Internet’s starting point, is starting to decline…

I still remember those days when I didn’t know about Google (about more than 10 years ago). By then, I used about 7 or 8 different search engines to be able to find what I was looking for since none of them was good enough to sort the results in the most relevant way possible. Funny was I sometimes typed in random domain names in the address bar in hope I could discover a new and exciting portal.

And then Google came and changed everything. When I popped in front of the computer I didn’t have to start thinking which website should I go first to start researching about a subject… With Google appearance I felt like a short-sighted kid who just got gifted some wonderful pair of glasses and a starting path to walk by.

But these past days, things are starting to look like years ago, when just one search engine wasn’t enough to create effective and smooth paths to the required information. So it may be time to find alternatives or at least a mix of them. The problem is that I am so used to Google’s UI and UX that I feel really uncomfortable using other search engines.

Nowadays we have not only algorithm based search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo but social media search engines like Delicious, Twitter and StumbleUpon, where results are indexed by people instead of by a secret algorithm which has now been cracked. Results indexed by people are much smarter than the ones based on some SEO rules since much more factors are taken into account. It is each person who decides what to bookmark or share it. Fair enough, a lot of companies are already emulating Facebook and Twitter accounts to pivot the image of a product or company and also to create subliminal advertising.

What matters here is the power of the community, something much bigger than what a Marketing Agency can manage. We are not talking about hundreds or a thousand but hundreds of thousands of accounts from different cities, cultures, profiles and behaviours. The power of the cyber-humanity cannot be altered (or can it?) and this is where Search Engines need to focus now, putting mathematical patterns to a second stage and investigating on the overall human natural action to function effectively.

Photo by miguel77, logo from Google

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