
Musicuo – Grooveshark alternative in HTML5 What I don’t like about Grooveshark is its dependence on Flash. And Spotify just busted its free service. But here comes Musicuo, a Grooveshark alternative in which to listen to music online for free. You can upload your own songs if they are still not in the database and create lists (and publish them). Musicuo […]

on December 1, 2010
(1 minute read)

What I don’t like about Grooveshark is its dependence on Flash. And Spotify just busted its free service. But here comes Musicuo, a Grooveshark alternative in which to listen to music online for free. You can upload your own songs if they are still not in the database and create lists (and publish them). Musicuo is powered by HTML5 which gives it a nice modern usable touch. Works great in modern browsers and it is much simpler than Grooveshark so it shouldn’t take much to switch.

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They are still launching and asking users to upload MP3s, if you upload 1000 tracks you get to become a VIP member! Oh, and by the way, two of the nicest features I’ve found: You can read the song lyrics and also tweak the sound Equalizer (find both features are at the bottom left, next to the play button).

Check it out: www.Musicuo.com

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