
Best Spotify Open Playlists (reggae, techno, pop, indie, jazz…) Spotify is a music player for Windows and Mac that plays any song you want (from thousands of artists) directly from the Internet without having the music files in the computer. One of the cool things about it is that you can create playlists with your favourite songs and share them with everyone. After using […]

on December 8, 2009
(2 minute read)

After using Spotify for a while and starting to use it as much as Last.fm (another great online radio) I have been creating several playlists of my favourite music genres. These playlists are alive, I am constantly adding new tracks I find interesting.

Spotify playlist Spotify Playlists

Things I’m buying on Amazon this week

Visit the full Spotify Playlists here.

More Spotify playlists comming soon…

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There are more playlists available but still with a few songs in it. Once they reach a decent amount of songs I’ll be publishing them.

Spotify Lyrics Plugin

Check out ListeningNow, a Spotify Lyrics Plugin that doesn’t require installation and works in Windows, Mac and Linux.

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