
Real Ipsum – Human dummy text generator There are several tools in the Internet to generate Lorem Ipsum dummy text as a web site design and development placeholder text. But once you get the real content in, the look and feel of the website is not the same at all. This is why I want to show you Real Ipsum, a dummy text generator based […]

on December 3, 2009
(1 minute read)

There are several tools in the Internet to generate Lorem Ipsum dummy text as a web site design and development placeholder text. But once you get the real content in, the look and feel of the website is not the same at all.

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This is why I want to show you Real Ipsum, a dummy text generator based in real English words gathered from thousands of public domain texts. When you load the page, it will generate a collection of unique random texts (in 50 and 100 word blocks) ready to copy and paste. If you don’t like what you see, just refresh the page and get another full collection of texts.

Another cool feature is that it generates random person names, job titles, email addresses, usernames, company names, colors and dates.

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Check it out and get more accuracy in your designs with Real Ipsum.

Want even better dummy text?

At the bottom of the site there’s a bookmarklet that when clicked on a page, Real Ipsum will generate random text from that specific website, really useful if you want financial dummy text, musical dummy text, etc. Just make sure there’s at least 300 words so that the generated text looks nice.

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