
Blueprint CSS Watermark GIF for Pixel-Perfect Web Design Here’s a GIF image that will help you get pixel-perfect results when designing the template of a website. It has been designed for the Blueprint CSS framework and it is based in: 24 columns of 30px width separated by 10px spaces which make 950px width in total. Paste it into your template with your favourite […]

on November 7, 2009
(1 minute read)

Here’s a GIF image that will help you get pixel-perfect results when designing the template of a website. It has been designed for the Blueprint CSS framework and it is based in:

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24 columns of 30px width separated by 10px spaces which make 950px width in total.

Paste it into your template with your favourite editor (Photoshop, Fireworks…) and align everything to the grid. I recommend you use Blueprint CSS or a similar 24 column based framework when developing the front-end.

Blueprint columns

Download Blueprint Bitmap (37KB)

  • 24 columns of 30px
  • separations of 10px
  • 950px total width

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For a 3 column layout you would use 8+8+8 columns, for a two column layout 16+6 is good or for four boxes 6+6+6+6 columns.

Since I work in Fireworks for web design and I am a great fan of Blueprint, I will be releasing a collection of Fireworks templates ready to be modified, think as if they were some kind of PNG “framework”.

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