
Regroup with your squad BUG in Call of Duty 5 (cod5) – World at War When ending one of the first missions against the Japanese in Call of Duty 5 and in some other versions like Call of Duty 4 and World at War, the game tells you to “Regroup with your squad” at the Artillery Room but just it happens nothing and you cannot end the mission. Solution to […]

on December 15, 2008
(1 minute read)

When ending one of the first missions against the Japanese in Call of Duty 5 and in some other versions like Call of Duty 4 and World at War, the game tells you to “Regroup with your squad” at the Artillery Room but just it happens nothing and you cannot end the mission.

Solution to the bug – Guy stuck at the top of the trenches

Found it here and thanks to macca_d. The problem is that one of your guys is stuck somewhere at the map, you need to go back (watching out for any Japanese spawns who may shoot at you by surprise, be careful) until approximately the first anti-tank gun. There you will find a member of your squad stuck at the top of the trenches. Shoot at him or throw a grenade so he can move and then just follow him until the artillery room.

Solution to the bug 2 – Guy stuck at the top of the hill

It looks like there is a similar problem with a guy that gets stuck at the top of the hill near the start. Sean has provided an alternate solution to this at the comments that seems to work:

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go all the way back past the tank and there will be a green arrow all alone on your map walk all the way back to him
get on the hill lower than him throw one grenade at him he may go prone throw another and he will be launched then he will get up and run where he is supposed to go

If that didn’t help, post what’s happening to you in the comments and we’ll try to find a solution.

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  • zack says:

    i am encountering a similar problem only there are four of my guys stuck at various positions on the map and they refuse to move, if i throw grenades they take cover then run right back to the same spot, any suggestions

  • sean steinbacher says:

    go all the way back past the tank and there will be a green arrow all alone on your map walk all the way back to him
    get on the hill lower than him throw one grenade at him he may go prone throw another and he will be launched then he will get up and run where he is supposed to go

  • tdot says:

    I had the exact same problem as zack and the fix provided by sean works. The guy all the way at the beginning of the level seems to get stuck at the top of the hill. He is needed to continue the game because he does some talking in the final cut scene. Thanks guys

  • RSimmonds says:

    What do I do if I have no grenades and tried shooting them. Still no results…

  • Jack says:

    Thanks alot sean….appretiate it….he is right guys!

  • Daniel says:

    There’s just one problem for me. No matter how many times I throw grenades at him, he won’t budge. It just says “Friendly fire is not tolerated” and I’v done it from various angles. And it takes me back to the shootout in the artillery room. =\ Any suggestions on angles?

  • Daniel says:

    Nevermind, I found another solution. Knife him. (Look above and swing, then quickly jerk the control stick down and itl hit him) This should budge him up some. Then just keep nudging him around until he says “Foward!”

  • Max says:

    Try pushing the guy with your body, don’t shoot him, this way worked for me

  • mableouf says:

    THANKS SEAN !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Housten44 says:

    Thanks, I was wondering why nothing happened

  • Federico says:

    Thanks Sean… it`s like that… trhow granades… xDDD

  • joesyeews says:

    i just killed all of the men with a knife… but i was worried i would have to redo the whole mission on veteran lol thanks for the help

  • Mustang says:

    Problem Solved!!! just restart the mision nd u ill be fine :)

  • x3bo0odyx says:

    Thank u very much

  • tom block 10 says:

    Im on the Lights out section of call of duty world at war.It says regroup with your squad and we are all just shooting at germans over the rocks and barbed wire nothing is happening.been stuck on this for about two weeks now

  • tom block 10 says:

    Make that 6 weeks now beginning to pull my hair out,help…………………………..someone? ……………………………………………………………anyone?…………………………………………………………………………..loooks like they’ve all left…………….arrrrggghhh

  • Xavi Author says:

    Hi Tom, sad to hear that. The most probable thing is that there’s some soldier trapped somewhere. Go back to the start and search all the map round. Once you find someone not moving or trapped try throwing grenades or shoot at him.
    If that fails, there’s no other solution rather than restarting the mission. Best of luck, let us know how it goes

  • tom block 10 says:

    Xavi,thanks for replying mate . I have gone back to the beginning and found the guy who gives all the orders at the gates of the underground station standing there just doing nothing,I stabbed him and got told i was a traitor to the motherland,may try the grenades now then.

  • tom block 10 says:

    Solved it I started the level again and it worked .I’ve since completed the game.

  • Xavi Author says:

    Congrats Tom! :)

  • Halo Reach News says:

    this upcoming game will be excellent

  • Katheirne says:

    THANK YOU. This helped a lot <3

  • Lennox says:

    I don’t know where to go or it won’t let me help!

  • solika says:

    my group are all in the atillery room but there are two stuck outside the atillery room and wont get out

  • solika says:

    *in the artillery room

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