
iPad web based Code Editor (with extra symbols keyboard) I mostly use the iPad for reading email, news and blogs although I am still perplexed at how few apps there are for actually doing some work. Well, to be honest, there are many apps to do some work. But I believe in platform-agnostic web-apps or SAAS to be the future of our world and […]

on February 8, 2012
(2 minute read)

I mostly use the iPad for reading email, news and blogs although I am still perplexed at how few apps there are for actually doing some work. Well, to be honest, there are many apps to do some work. But I believe in platform-agnostic web-apps or SAAS to be the future of our world and the amount, variety and features of current web apps for web development is still quite scarce.

One of the big gaps that I found was regarding code editors. The lack of fast symbol typing in the keyboard is very frustrating and slow (you need to use iOS’s default keyboard and type 3 keys just to get a “<” sign, plus another one to get back). This is why I came up with a proof of concept on additional keyboard rows with extra keys for touch screen devices and added all symbols frequently used for coding and programming so you don’t need to keep switching from one keyboard set to another. It has been optimised for the iPad in portrait mode although with some responsive CSS queries and device detection it can be adapted anywhere.

The code itself is basic HTML, CSS and a bit of JavaScript and jQuery. I’ve kept it simple to aid scalability and customisation. This is how it looks:

iPad additional web-based keyboard for coding

Demo and download

Click the following link to open the Code Editor. To test it properly you will need an iPad in portrait mode.

iPad web-based code editor with extra symbols keyboard


Public Domain, keeping the Internet open. You can use it commercially and distribute it as much as you want without being forced to credit the author.


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If you have developed it further send me an email and I will include it in the next release and you in the Credits.

8 February 2012 (v1.0)

  • First release

If you haven’t seen my iPad HTML/CSS template you must see it now.

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