
Best alternative to MegaUpload The FBI has closed Megaupload without any warnings or notices and I, as many other people, have lost hundreds of backed up files I had hosted in there. So here’s a list of the best 25+ alternative sites where you can host your files (comparison information provided is for the free plans): YourFileLink link Files […]

on January 20, 2012
(3 minute read)

The FBI has closed Megaupload without any warnings or notices and I, as many other people, have lost hundreds of backed up files I had hosted in there. So here’s a list of the best 25+ alternative sites where you can host your files (comparison information provided is for the free plans):

YourFileLink link

I’ve got invites for a free bank transfer!

Files up to 5GB.

UltraMegaBit link

No waiting time. Fast downloads. (thanks sletrock)

MediaFire link

Great website. No waiting time. No download limit. Files up to 200MB. No registration required to upload.

Minus link

Great website. Files up to 2GB. 50GB total storage.

Wupload link

20 second waiting time. Files up to 2GB. No file download limit. No storage limit.

BayFiles link

Files up to 5GB. 5 min waiting time.

Wupload link

20 second waiting time. Files up to 2GB. No file download limit. No storage limit.

JumboFiles link

No waiting time. Files up to 1GB. 500GB total storage. No captcha. Resumable links. 180-day storage time. (Thanks David)

FileFactory link

Some waiting time. Files up to 2,000MB. 90-day storage time. No registration required to upload.

SendSpace link

Files up to 300MB. 30-day storage time. No registration required to upload.

FileServe link

No download limit. Files up to 1,024Mb. 60-day storage time. Video streaming. (Update: massively deleting copyrighted content)

iFile.it link

Files up to 1,000MB. Unlimited uploads. Resumable downloads. 7 to 30-day storage time.

YouSendIt link

Files up to 50MB. 7-day storage time. 2GB total storage.

HotFile link

60 second waiting time. 30 minute wait between downloads. Files up to 400MB.

RapidShare link

2 minutes waiting time. 15 minute wait between downloads. Files up to 50MB.

4Shared link

30 second waiting time. Files up to 2,048MB. 10GB total storage. Video streaming.

DepositFiles link

60 second waiting time. Files up to 2Gb. 90-day storage time. No registration required (although recommended).

zShare link

50 second waiting time. 60-day storage time.

FileUpYours link

250MB total storage. Unlimited storage time. No EXEs or ZIPs (see this comment).

TransferBigFiles link

Files up to 100MB. 5-day storage time.

Badongo link

Unlimited storage.

YourFileLink link

Files up to 5GB. 15-day storage time. No registration required.

2Shared link link

No registration required.

File Dropper link

Files up to 5GB. No registration required.

Uploading link

Files up to 2GB. No registration required. 1GB daily download limit. 4-month storage time. 10GB storage limit.

SpeedyShare link

No file upload limit (not tested).

WeTransfer link

Files up to 2GB. No registration required. 2-week storage time.

Uploaded.to link

Files up to 1,000MB. (Update: may not be available in the US)

WikiUpload link

Files up to 5GB. Some storage limit.

Uploadingit link

Files up to 200MB. 10GB total storage. 30-day storage time. 10GB daily download limit


Files up to 1GB. 30-day storage time. (Update: Closed on 22 Jan 2012)



Freakshare link

I’ve got invites for a free bank transfer!

Files up to 1024MB. 30-day storage time. 1 minute download wait. 2GB storage time.



That’s it. I’ve avoided adding other alternatives that are too limiting or too slow. If you know better services please let everyone know in the comments section below and I will update this post. All the information gathered has been collected from the information that these file storage services provide but I haven’t had time to test all of them personally. If you find some of the information here is inaccurate or out-of-date please let everyone know in the comments. Help the Internet by sharing this on Twitter and Facebook!

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  • nrgizee says:

    DepositFiles has a limit of 300MB for unregistered and 2GB for free accounts.

    Impressive list dude, thanks for sharing! Stop SOPA!

  • Xavi Author says:

    @nrgizee: Updated info. Thanks!

  • david says:

    Great list (except filesonic they closed down today), here’s one more, been using them for a few months already. They’re fairly large and IMHO one of the best sites for free users.

    http://jumbofiles.com has 1GB upload size limit, 500GB account space, no wait times, no captcha, resumable links, 180 days storage time.

  • mohit1715 says:

    how can i find the links in jubmofiles .
    or any search engine with jumbofiles server .

    plz help me.

  • 123 says:

    Quite a few of these are US based sites, I wouldn’t use those considering US authorities have more influence and power/control over whomever uses them.

  • Mili says:

    I’ve been hearing lately about this jumbofiles online storage, 500 gb is quite a lot, is it really free? if it is, I must say it’s pretty awesome and totally worth trying. speaking of which, i remembered this audials anywhere soft you can do file sharing with, between you and other people (browse, download from their collection etc.) -> I don’t think they released it yet but it’s good to keep in mind just in case

  • sletrock says:

    impressive list man, but you don’t have ultramegabit.com listed?! LOL. no need to signup, no wait times, and super fast!

  • Miss Andrea Borman. says:

    I tried FileUp Yours and it was terrible. You cannot upload exe program installer files like you can on most other file sharing sites. And even when I uploaded a ZIP file I had to enter captcha to download MY OWN FILE! Even though I was logged into my account.And not only that but there was a message displayed by my file saying it could be virus infected,when of course it was not.

    I use file sharing and storage sites to store and share my Windows XP and Windows Vista programs,Windows Movie Maker 2.1,Windows Mail etc.Which I put in a zip file and I can download then onto my Windows 7 computer and I can also share my files with friends.

    Which is not a problem on most sites but on FileUpYours,they don’t want you to store software program installer files,which are either exe or zip. I think it’s for storing mainly pictures.

    Either way I will never use that site,FileUpYours again. And it is also difficult to find the right file site.

    Because most sites will delete your files if you or nobody else downloads then in 30 or 60 days,even if you have a registered account. Unless you upgrade to a paid account, which I don’t want to do.

    And others make you fill in catchpa even if you are logged in. But now I am with Minus and Ge,tt and as long as you log into your account every now and then, they won’t delete any of your files,even if they are not downloaded.They will store then indefinently and there are no catchpas with Ge,tt or Minus.

    Also Media fire will not delete inactive files if you log into your account from time to time. But unfortunately not many sites are as flexible as Ge,tt,Minus or Mediafire I have found.Andrea Borman.

  • John says:

    I use now http://www.myfilesdump.com pretty fast free and no accounts required. I don’t know why they offer premium accounts because everything is without limit. But a limit of 1GB for each file.

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