
Internet top level domains in a PHP & Javascript array Here’s a PHP/Javascript array with all the top level Internet domain extensions. You can copy and paste it directly into your application or convert it to JSON, SQL, etc. Just grab the code! The domains in this list are updated as per today although new ones are added periodically so it’s worth checking Wikipedia every […]

on May 23, 2011
(1 minute read)

Here’s a PHP/Javascript array with all the top level Internet domain extensions. You can copy and paste it directly into your application or convert it to JSON, SQL, etc. Just grab the code! The domains in this list are updated as per today although new ones are added periodically so it’s worth checking Wikipedia every now and then.

$domains = array(".aero",".biz",".cat",".com",".coop",".edu",".gov",".info",".int",".jobs",".mil",".mobi",".museum",
".tg",".th",".tj",".tk",".tm",".tn",".to",".tp",".tr",".tt",".tv",".tw",".tz",".ua",".ug",".uk",".um",".us",".uy",".uz", ".va",".vc",

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With this array you could detect links in a sentence and linkify them. Here’s an example with a tweet that has two links, one with the http:// and one without. The string would be this:
Follow me on Twitter twitter.com/xaviesteve and http://be.net/xavi
and it will come out like
Follow me on Twitter twitter.com/xaviesteve and http://be.net/xavi

$tweet = "Follow me on Twitter twitter.com/xaviesteve and http://be.net/xavi";
$words = explode(" ", $tweet);
foreach($words as &$word) {
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    if (strpos($word, $domain) !== false) {
      if (substr($word, 0, 7) == "http://") {
        $word = '<a href="'.$word.'">'.$word.'</a>';
        $word = '<a href="http://'.$word.'">'.$word.'</a>';
$tweet = implode(" ", $words);
echo $tweet;

Convert the array to JSON

You can use the json_encode($domains); function, simple as that :)

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