
WordPress Stalker… I mean Starkers! Everytime I search for the Starkers blank WordPress theme created by Elliot the only thing I recall is that it was called something like “stalker”. And I spend some good 20 minutes trying to find out how it was called exactly. I’ll use this post as an experiment and try to rank #1 for WordPress […]

on January 11, 2011
(1 minute read)

Everytime I search for the Starkers blank WordPress theme created by Elliot the only thing I recall is that it was called something like “stalker”. And I spend some good 20 minutes trying to find out how it was called exactly.
I’ll use this post as an experiment and try to rank #1 for WordPress Stalker Theme and use it as a shortcut to the real name that I always forget.

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This is the link to the Starkers Theme

Starker Theme is a blank theme specially useful for WordPress theme developers. It has the mandatory code and file structure needed to start developing a brand new theme hence saving you tons of time. I prefer this one rather than other WordPress blank themes as all the junk has been removed and you start from a pure start with the minimal code possible which later derives in smaller and more concise code.

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BTW, thanks Elliot, it’s great!

Image is a screenshot from the Starkers Theme with the theme HTML code demo overlayed

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  • Blech says:

    It’s a fucking mess is what it is. Let’s make children of child templates so we can have loop-childs of loops. What the fuck?

  • Xavi Author says:

    Yea, you’re right… I like it because you just need to remove the crap and code the custom/advanced stuff. Have you tried Simplest theme?
    It’s meant to be the smallest WP theme ever, maybe you like it.

  • Pitso Pitso says:

    ha! ha! I searched for “stalkers WordPress theme” thank for the link.

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