
iPhone App creates stunning Stereographic images in seconds This is my first stereographic photo, and it has been done with the iPhone. The app is 360 Panorama, get it here. The image was created in 20.2 seconds and quickly rubber stamping the margins with Adobe Fireworks. I wasn’t even willing to create it, just playing around and I’m pretty sure if you spend […]

on January 11, 2011
(1 minute read)

The image was created in 20.2 seconds and quickly rubber stamping the margins with Adobe Fireworks. I wasn’t even willing to create it, just playing around and I’m pretty sure if you spend a bit more dedication you can accomplish really neat stereographic projections. Here’s a video on someone using it:

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Photo is from the Brighton Pier, United Kingdom
(by Xavi Esteve, Creative Commons Attributive Share Alike).

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