As a Web Developer and Designer this is the Curriculum Vitae I have been using since a year ago. It is not a conventional CV you would use for other jobs, I found that the common structure of CVs is not suitable for Web Design and Development jobs.
So I planned to start a new CV format from scratch, adapting it as much as possible to the role and making it both intuitive and human-friendly to recruiters and readers.
The CV is coded in XHTML and CSS, using concise tags and keeping it simple and detailed as well as with all the specifications I could find on Microformats.
Printable and PDF exportable
The CV template includes a print style sheet so you can print it nicely and also export it to PDF.
For the minimalism lovers you could use the print.css one instead of the style.css for a greyscale theme.
The CSS structure is liquid so it adapts to every browser size:
W3C Standards compliant
Disclaimer: the code is completely valid and follows the W3C standards so some buggy browsers may not display the page as it should (IE6 and maybe 7).
The template includes a fixed sidebar to help the reader scroll up and down:
PHP dynamic code
The CV file is a PHP format that includes some dynamic code:
- Variable list (so you just type in once and it copies where needed): Name, surname, profession, phone, address, website, email, blog url, web url, rss, css files path, etc…
- Present time – Updates current jobs or education last day to the current day
- iPhone theme activator
I have licensed under a Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 license. Which means you don’t need to attribute it to anyone but to keep it open so that everyone can enjoy from your improvements. I’d be glad to hear from any feedback, suggestions and improvements or customizations you make to it :)
Other notes
There is no photo since in the UK you don’t add your photo to the CV. But you can add it easily if you need to.
Demo and download
The demo link goes to my current CV, the download includes the file in PHP (with dynamic coding) and the screen, print and iPhone style sheets.
Further read
Now that you have a great CV available, check out the article on How to Create an astonishing Online Reputation as a Web Designer/Developer for tips and tricks on how and what to get on your personal website and interviewing techniques.
Comments, feedback, updates
Got any suggestions to improve it? Please comment below so we can improve it :)
jacob says:
thank for helping me..