
SnippShot – Ultra-minimal simple Code Snippet tool SnippShot is a free online code snippet collector tool. The snippets are stored online and since it is web based, you can access them from any computer, platform and browser without the need to install any additional software. The interface is ultra-minimalistic which makes it really easy, simple and quick to use, you can even […]

on July 28, 2010
(2 minute read)

SnippShot is a free online code snippet collector tool. The snippets are stored online and since it is web based, you can access them from any computer, platform and browser without the need to install any additional software. The interface is ultra-minimalistic which makes it really easy, simple and quick to use, you can even start using it without reading any instructions.

SnippShot video tutorial

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How to use SnippShot

That’s simple! It is what you see in the image: a big textarea on the right, a list on the left and a text box at the top left.

Creating a code snippet

Type in at the top left box and press Enter.

Editing/Saving a snippet

Edit the code and it will be saved real-time. No need to press any buttons, close the window and it will be saved for the next time (when you edit the code this will turn red, wait 1 second until it turns black again).

Loading a snippet

Just click on it, the code will load on the right panel.

Searching for a snippet

Type in at the top left box to search automatically as you type .

Renaming a snippet

Double click the name in the list and a window will let you change it.

Deleting a snippet

Double click the name in the list and rename it to nothing. Confirm.

SnippShot Bookmarklet

What makes SnippShot really handy is the use of its bookmarklet. At the right top of the app there is a link called “snippshot”. Drag and drop it to your bookmarks folder to create a Bookmarklet. Then click on it whenever you want and SnippShot will appear in a window, you can resize it the size you want.

No account required

Oh, and what’s best of all is that you don’t even need to register, just to own a Google Account.

Some technical details

  • There’s just one server request per action
  • SnippShot loads really fast because it doesn’t use any images at all (it uses CSS3 for all the website styling and even an embedded Base 64 image in the style sheet for the favicon)
  • and it works really fast because everything is loaded dynamically through AJAX and JSON/XHTML calls, no apparent loading times when using it

The user interface is just what you see in the screen: no menus, no links. The user experience can be described as click and type.

Modern compliant browsers should see the beautiness of CSS3. As HTML5 support increases SnippShot will progressively upgrade to it.

To avoid server overload and keep the service quick they are limiting each snippet code to 64kb and a limit of 100 per user (more than enough, I am currently using 78 and can’t think of anything else to note down). They accept donations to eventually upgrade the server and increase the limits and add new functionalities.

Check SnippShot now

The website is snippshot.com and it is completely free. Check it out and let us know what you think.


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