
Code editors comparison: Dreamweaver vs jEdit vs PSPad vs Notepad++ vs Sublime A quick comparison on different code editors. I stick with Dreamweaver although it has so many bugs that make me consider other options. jEdit has a lot of functionalities but relies on Java. PSPad is small, flexible and portable. Notepad++ has tons of features and it’s lightweight too. Dreamweaver jEdit PSPad Notepad ++ Sublime Price […]

on September 8, 2010
(0 minute read)

A quick comparison on different code editors. I stick with Dreamweaver although it has so many bugs that make me consider other options. jEdit has a lot of functionalities but relies on Java. PSPad is small, flexible and portable. Notepad++ has tons of features and it’s lightweight too.

Dreamweaver jEdit PSPad Notepad ++ Sublime
Price £240-£420 Free Free Free Free unlimited trial
(or £46)
Code view Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Design view Yes No No No No
Browser preview Yes No Yes No No
Text helpers (autocomplete, shortcuts…) Yes! No Yes Yes Yes!
Themes (code highlighting) No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debugger Yes No No Plugin Yes
FTP Yes Yes No (really buggy, not functional) Plugin Plugin
Version control Yes No No No Plugin
Plugins Yes (but not common) Yes! (a lot) Yes Yes Yes! (a lot)
Open Source No Yes (Java) No Yes No
Support Yes! Yes Yes Yes Yes
Portable No No Yes! Yes! Yes!
Overall rating 8 6 7 9
Website adobe.com jedit.org pspad.com notepad-plus-plus.org sublimetext.com

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