
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 bugs – Every new version is getting worse… Update 22nd July 2010 Submitted the bug collection to Adobe. Update 5th August 2010 I’ve been contacted by Adobe Dreamweaver QE to get more information on the “Cannot save documents while scanning for related files”. I am gathering every bit of useful information I can and send them back. Hopefully it will get fixed some […]

on July 11, 2010
(6 minute read)

Update 22nd July 2010

Submitted the bug collection to Adobe.

Update 5th August 2010

Please donate to keep this server up

I’ve been contacted by Adobe Dreamweaver QE to get more information on the “Cannot save documents while scanning for related files”. I am gathering every bit of useful information I can and send them back. Hopefully it will get fixed some day, it is one of the best new features in CS5 although I understand it can be hard for it to work in any situation.

Update 9th December 2010

Contacted by R.E. from Adobe regarding code highlighting issues.

Update 23rd May 2011

The bugs haven’t been fixed yet although some of them are pretty obvious and others are quick to fix. Added some more

Dreamweaver CS3 had some minor bugs which were not that bad, with CS4 some more errors but CS5 version is just unbearable. These are the bugs I’ve spotted so far (all of them are regarding the code view or the FTP, I rarely use the Design view, CSS GUI editor, Live view and other features so expect some more bugs):

Related files bug (CS5 version)

This feature doesn’t work well at all but what most bugs me is that it even blocks saving documents!
Cannot save documents while scanning for related files

So you need to wait some minutes for the program to stop searching for related files (which 80% of the time can’t actually find none). Once it’s done, you will be able to save the file (after loosing hair and patience).

To disable Dreamweaver Related files feature go to Preferences > General and deselect Enable related files. You will need to restart the computer after applying the changes.

Files buttons get disabled randomly (CS4 and CS5 versions)

Sometimes the Check in/out and Put/Get buttons get disabled although Dreamweaver is not working with any server:

The solution is to try disconnecting of the server and connecting again… or simply quit DW and open it again.

Syntax error notification (CS5)

A new addition to CS5 that helps spot some syntax errors like missing parenthesis and so on. The problem is that the message (the yellow bar) pops in suddenly and moves all the code one line down so if you are just about to click somewhere else everything will be moved down and you will click the incorrect line.

Also, when correcting the error the message disappears hence moving everything up one line again…

Interacting with a server bug (CS4 and CS5)

The thing that bugs me most is when trying to Put or Get files to the server. Sometimes it looks like Dreamweaver stays connected to a server and it doesn’t allow you to interact with the server at all until you click several buttons and files, wait one hour or restart the software.

Temporary workaround: Go to Preferences > Site and reduce the FTP time out from 30 seconds to 10.

Code highlighting (CS3, CS4 and CS5)

Sometimes code highlighting stops working for no apparent reason:

Solution is to edit a bit of the code in the same line and hope it re-colors again.

Incorrect PHP highlighting (CS3, CS4 and CS5)

This is a specific issue with some PHP syntax specially when using regex strings which I can understand due to the amount of symbols in it, the code works when processed by Apache but it looks odd:

Still no .htaccess code highlighting (all versions)

Isn’t .htaccess such an important file (as well as other Apache files)?
Dreamweaver still doesn’t detect its syntax:

Code font size changes when you least expect it

I don’t know why but although I’ve specified a fixed font size to view my code, some files keep opening in a damn small font. I use to code from an iMac which has very small pixels but anyway it is quite unreadable. Compare the following image:

Both files where opened at the same time. Can you read the last one easily?… And spend 8 hours a day reading that???

Dreamweaver freezes when synchronizing a lot of files

You get to do a full synchronize between your computer and the server from the root folder. It takes 7 hours to get the full list of files that have changed but finally pops up. You get to Put, Get or Ignore each file carefully which takes you 1 hour more. Once you are done you click on OK and… Dreamweaver freezes… Congratulations! You just lost a day of work! Now go home and tell your wife about the exciting day you had today and maybe try again tomorrow.

Solution: For those believers, there are rumours that if you leave Dreamweaver for a while, it will eventually come back to life (for the image in the screenshot above with over 24k it took about 1 hour in a 8GB RAM desktop to start processing the files… by the way, it crashed 15 minutes later).

Not able to close Dreamweaver

After these many bugs there’s one that amuses me most. I try to restart Dreamweaver so everything starts fresh but… it won’t allow me to close it!

Can’t find a valid editor for this file extension

With the new upcoming HTML5 features, there are now many different files such as the .manifest (which allows you to make an offline webapp). Dreamweaver still doesn’t allow you to open it

Can't find a valid editor for this file extensionThe solution is to go to Preferences > File Types / Editors and add your extensions in Open in code view:

Access to dwsync.xml was denied

This error happens when opening a file in use, specially while synchronizing.

Solution: If you have Dropbox enabled, pause it while DW synchronizes. If it’s not because of Dropbox then check if there is any application that is locking files.

Changing case in code variables on Save

As reported by Steve and Kurt in the comments, there is a strange bug that changes the case of variables when saving the file and reopening it. It also happens on Javascript “onclick” and “onkeyup” events sometimes.

Solution: Kurt suggests a workaround that may help to fix this bug:

  1. Go to Preferences > Code format > Tag libraries
  2. Find the tags for which Dreamweaver is screwing up the casing
  3. Change the case using the drop-down menu

It’s tedious because you have to change all of them one at a time. Kurt recommends setting them all to “Default”. Then changing the default value to whatever you want all of them to be so it’s easier to change in the future. There should be some way to just disable this feature entirely, but he hasn’t found it.


We shouldn’t forget about Dreamweaver crashing completely. Happens several times a week.

And more, sadly much much more…

I’ve written this post from scratch in a couple hours and have been experiencing all these bugs, there are many more like this I can’t remember right now but keep encountering them when using Dreamweaver, specifically CS5, CS4 has got some bugs but not as many, same with CS3. It looks like Adobe has been implementing nice new features but with the new features new bugs came along. Every new version gets more buggier…

What surprises me is that these errors may be simple to fix but no update has arrived yet and regarding the price of the software (£378, 450€ or $570) they should do something fast…

In my case, I love Dreamweaver’s syntax colouring since I have been using it for several years and I’m used to it, but when the program starts acting crazy I just switch to my favourite alternatives:

  1. jEdit (free, open source): A free, open-source code editor with tons of plugins. It is AMAZING and has a thousand times more features than Dreamweaver so give it a try. All the developers at LOVEFiLM use it and every day I like it more. jEdit website
  2. Coda ($100, £65 or 78€): Only for Mac but nice UX and simple interface. The FTP is quite limited and you will need to buy another program from the same company if you need more FTP control. Coda website

Have you experienced more bugs with the new CS5 version? Know any solutions to these ones? Send them through and I’ll update the post with them.

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  • Johnny says:

    Man you should try UltraEdit!
    it supports about every language out there with syntax coloring plus code hinting…

  • Sprike says:

    @Johnny, I totally agree, Ultraedit is the coders choice, especially if your doing backend languages and OOP with PHP, Python and VBScript

  • Xaviera says:

    Agreed, CS5 is not workable anymore because of buggy behaviour.

  • Aaron Bolton says:

    The File buttons –in fact all Menu bar buttons on the Mac OS (File, Edit, View, History, etc.)– become completely disabled at random in Photoshop CS5 as well.

  • David Levin says:

    I agree that these bugs are annoying. There are tons of ColdFusion related code coloring bugs also on the Windows version. Every time I come across one I submit the bug to Adobe’s team.

    I recommend also submitting them in the hopes that they will fix these bugs and hopefully make CS5 a stable release.


    Hope this helps!

  • Xavi Author says:

    Thanks David, I’ve submitted the bugs to Adobe. Hopefully these will be addressed some day!

  • Allan Clark says:

    I tried the trial version for CS5, and loved the new features, so I went and upgraded. Now, it’s been crashing on me constantly. It’s not a normal crash either. It just disappears. No warning, just gone. Usually happens when I attempt to upload a file. It’ll connect to the server, upload partially, and then disappear. This screws up the file online, since it only has part of the file online. I bought CS4 for my PC, and then upgraded my mac to CS5, thinking I’d use it more for development. If this continues, I’m not sure what I’ll do. Going back to a PC might be my option for the moment.

    This is a total bummer.

  • Sonya Shannon says:

    Thanks so much for your post. Your solutions were helpful for some of the really annoying problems. I thought I was losing my mind until I read your entries.

  • Sonya Shannon says:

    Thanks so much for your post. Your solutions were helpful for some of the really annoying problems. I thought I was losing my mind until I read your entries.

  • Sonya Shannon says:

    Thanks so much for your post. Your solutions were helpful for some of the really annoying problems. I thought I was losing my mind until I read your entries.

  • Clare London says:

    I loathe Dreamweaver, but I’ve now spent so many months of my time desperately trying to write my website from scratch, that I can’t bear to throw that time away by moving on to another program.

    I tried CS5 on a trial and hated so many things, one which you may consider trivial but which deeply irritated me.

    * the ‘redesigned’ look

    – now turned all GREY and indistinguishable, worse, not better. I find traditionally software developers, in order to justify charging big money for an upgrade, like to fiddle with the design to make everybody feel they really have got a whole new upgrade with loads of new features rather than a few tweaks. Working through series of upgrades in the past I find that this is invariable close to a con. Upgrades introduce a few new things and disguise the few changes with a redesign, which invariably is worse. This one in CS5 is horribly much worse.

    – and, in CS5, in design view, even more annoyingly, they’ve removed the text labels for the DIVs along the bottom of the screen. You now have to read the float text. Stupid.

    But the main reason I did not spend my bucks on an upgrade was because I naively expected CS5 to have finally cleaned up the template feature. No such chance. It is buggy as hell and remains buggy as hell in CS5. Shame on them.

    I’m back on CS3 mainly because the interface is much easier to work with and I use a separate FTP client (Filezilla, which is gorgeous) – so don’t have a problem with putting the files.

  • Lucrecia Méndez says:

    Hola Xavi, estoy empezando a usar el Dreamweaver CS5 y me topo con un gran problema, el de los acentos y las tildes!!, cómo hago para que aparezcan, en línea una “á” me sale “Ãi”.

    En nuestro sitio hacemos largas entrevistas y para mí sería más fácil no tener que estar poniéndo códigos en cada vocal con acento o en cada ñ, sería una locura!!

    Ojalá me puedas ayudar.

    Saludos desde México

  • Xavi Author says:

    Hola Lucrecia,

    Mirate este articulo donde explica paso a paso la solucion a los acentos:

    Un saludo :)

  • Michael says:

    Dreamweaver allows me to GET the old site but when I try and PUT the new one, I get this:

    Started: 07/09/2010 22:13

    index.htm – error occurred – An FTP error occurred – cannot put index.htm. Access denied. The file may not exist, or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.

    File activity incomplete. 1 file(s) or folder(s) were not completed.

    Files with errors: 1

    Finished: 07/09/2010 22:13

    Any ideas?

  • Dustin says:

    @Michael –

    yeah, your ftp account doesn’t have write privledges.

    @Everyone Else –
    Another bug related to error hinting: Whenever I’m editing a page that’s derived from a template, CS5 displays an error at the top of the screen that says there is a syntax error and Code Hinting may not work. I’ve looked over the code character by character and there is no error.

    Furthermore, if I “Detach from Template”, the error goes away. If I open the template, there is no error. Even worse, the line the error was on was:

    Nothing more.

  • Jacky says:

    Very disappointed with Dreamweaver CS5, it is behaving like the free Yahoo SiteBuilder program: changing code by itself and behaving strangely: you save and close it, and when you open it again, things have moved. I cannot believe it; I thought it was my pc doing it, but after reading all those posts, I am in a sense reassured, but this still does not solve the problems.

  • Adam Robertson says:

    I’ve experienced almost all of these… but the one that pisses me off FAR MORE than the others is when it tells you that there’s a syntax error when there isn’t. It’s hard enough trying to close out chained jQuery methods with internal anonymous functions.

    99% of the time, I managing my semicolons, curlies, parenthesis, and functions correctly, but DW screams bloody murder anyway. The only way to fix it is to randomly delete one of the aforementioned symbols and enter it again. Maybe it will go away, maybe it won’t. You might just have to close the doc and open it again.

    And what the F*** is with telling me I have syntax error WHILE I’M STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF A F***ING LINE OF CODE?? Of course my syntax is wrong, you a**hole, I’m only halfway done with the line. This is equivalent of that friend everyone has who desperately wants to hear a story but won’t let you finish a sentence without asking 15 stupid questions.

    Trying jEdit now.

  • isunktheship says:

    Has anyone experienced this fun bug:

    I build 1 file, then save it as a different name, no problem right?

    Now when I edit that second file (while the first is still open) all edits are half-saved over the other file.

    I lost a days worth of coding by doing this.. thanks DW.

  • Mordomia Mil says:

    Can not view “source code” in this release informed v11 4964

  • Brandon Parker says:

    wow I am upset I paid good money for CS5 to find that dreamweaver does not work it is like they took my money and ran what the fuck I noticed some of these bugs in CS4 but not as bad as I am getting in CS5 what the fuck I hate paying big money for something that does not work like dream weaver CS5 my parents are really upset to see that I worked so hard to save my money for something that does not work and is very expensive this goes to show that just because it is expensive does not mean it is top of the line I am begging them to give me my money back I could use it for something else and probably something cheaper that might work even better. this sucks.

  • Cory Watilo says:

    You’re right. Every new version gets worse. I ran into a problem where DW CS5 would crash on opening when I opened html files with external CSS files in code view. CS4 worked fine. Ridiculous.

    Just encountered the “Cannot save while scanning…” error on CS5 on PC. Dragged a flat html file into DW and started editing. What the heck could it be scanning for? Gah!

  • ceasehope says:

    How about:..Try to ‘Get’ a single file and CS5 asks..’are you sure you want to get the WHOLE SITE?’

    Was it like this in the macromedia days?

  • JDonner says:

    It’s because of OS/X, it sucks, try Windows and you’ll hardly have any of these issues, just ask our development team.

  • JDonner says:

    Btw, those who recommend UltraEdit; obviously you guys have to much time on your hands to design a web site lol. If you want to hand code, then there are way better products, Zend and NuSphere for example which allow you design a web site way faster than an improved “Notepad” application like UltraEdit.

  • man says:

    i am using dreamweaver cs5. first it was working very good. but now, it just like a crap, my computer get restart when i tried to run my work on dreaweaver cs5.

    anyone can help me to fix that thing?? thanks

  • Wordpress Theme Designer says:

    The WordPress Theme Integration is a joke. Live view and live code is a joke because you can only change CSS styles that have been defined in the css file and not add new styles to the css file.

    Oh yeah and by the way the WordPress PHP syntax code hinting does not work either even after you specify it and create the config file. You can acheive better results by just downloading the HTML output and removing the content then design time your CSS files. That technique works way better than Live View.

  • Massalha Shady says:

    And more bugs like:
    1. They missed the Folder search, in earlier CS4 you could point on a folder and make a quick search in it.

    2. Try to get some files, and CS5 will start getting Entire site.

    3. Error alert where code is fine.

    4. Why the interacting with server must stop a lot of functions?

  • Wordpress Theme Designer says:

    Oh by the way in Dreamweaver CS5 I have to manually write CSS rules because the UI is broken and support says that there is nothing they can do to fix it. What used to take a a few hours to do now takes days to do thanks to Adobe CS5. Piece of shit software.

  • Wordpress Theme Designer says:

    Oh yeah by the way I’m running window 7

  • ColdFusion Developer says:

    I’ve been pretty diligent with reporting code coloring bugs as I’ve encountered them but after months of reporting I haven’t received any major updates from Adobe. Has anyone else heard any news about patches or hotfixes for Dreamweaver CS5?

  • Seth says:

    I’ve experienced many of those bugs. One of the most unbearable is the frustrating lag time in the drop menus. Sometimes, I just have to take note of the shortcut, exit the menu and use that. But some menu items don’t have shortcuts so I am left with trying over and over to select a simple item from the menu and watch it freeze then unfreeze, then freeze. What is going on over there on the Dreamweaver development team? Too much coffee? Not enough?

  • Hm says:

    You know, CS3 was near to perfect, with just a few annoying quirks. I skipped CS4, believing that by CS5 they would have got it absolutely right and properly compatible with 64 bit Snow Leopard. So having now got it, I’m less than pleased to find that it’s a complete load of shit. All applications run at unbelievably slow speeds, bugs that were never there before cause them to crash every half an hour and most of the new ‘features’ slow things down and annoy the hell out of me, particularly in InDesign. Apple – please either buy Adobe and sort them out, or develop your own software to kill these guys.

  • Scooby Snacks says:

    It’s what everyone should expect from software made in India and China…surprised it doesn’t give us lead poisoning via digital osmosis.

    Adobe products are like autistic people – they put every iota of processing power into the most mundane of tasks

  • bard says:

    Adobe CS5 is the biggest pile of fxxkwit retard programming every to grace the internet. absolute sxxt – dont buy it – doesnt save files / overwrite. nightmare just doing simple thing like editing italic to non italic. every newer version is worse — adobe = morons

  • john says:

    This CS5 is a pile of dogs cxxp.

    With stupid fricking slight page shifts when you clear the table height.

    What a piece of cxxp this software is – ONLY USE IS FOR AMATEURS / HOBBYISTS

  • Cory says:

    Ended up here again today looking for a solution after already posting a comment back in October about the same issue. It is unbelievable that the same bugs still have yet to be fixed.

  • Xavi Author says:

    Indeed Cory, it’s unbelievable how such a big company can just ignore critical bugs like this…
    To make things worse, what disappoints me even more is that I keep getting constant updates for minor Adobe software I never use at all.
    Sadly, Dreamweaver and Fireworks (the ones I use more) take the worst part on this…

  • Sonya Shannon says:

    Thanks for this forum in which to vent. Thanks also for the small suggestions. I, too, am ready to give up on Dreamweaver, after having used it since its inception.

    Is ANYONE at Adobe listening??

  • ColdFusion Developer says:

    I am also glad that we have this space to vent our frustrations with the lack of updates to DWCS5. Personally, I think Adobe has abandoned any intent of fixing this version and will probably wait till CS6. However, I will not be upgrading for a very long time (there’s no reason to).

    I’ve spent a lot of time submitting these bugs to Adobe and I’ve even heard a response every once in awhile with things like “we are aware of the issue…” but it’s been a long time now without any update.

  • Sam Grady says:

    Jeez, Dreamweaver really is getting worse and worse, I have connection problems with FTP all the time and I get the timeout issue mentioned above too.

    I recently upgraded to CS5 from CS3, Design Premium too at £800 upgrade! Why I didn’t just ditch Dreamweaver, Fireworks (who the hell uses this still) and Flash, I’ll never know. Would have saved myself some money…and hair.

    From what I’ve been told Coda by Panic is awesome.

    If Adobe aren’t careful they’re going to get into trouble, as something as great as Coda for £65 is a no-brainer. Anyone remember Quark Xpress? Yep, Adobe pretty much killed that and if they’re not careful, they’re going to be going the same way.

    Got to listen to the people using the software. There’s so much great choice these days, it’s no longer necessary to stick with the big guns.

    Phew, rant over. Thanks : )

  • Jeff in TX says:

    I work in code view most of the time. When working on old code if select some code/text, right-click and choose selection, then one of the “convert to lower or uppercase”, many time it does not work the first time. Sure an asterisk shows near the file name but nothing has changed! Also I’ve used the “convert tags to lowercase” before on whole files and everything ended up lowercase. Very inconsistent. I’m using CS5 v11.0 build 4964 on WinXP 64bit.

  • Steve says:

    I’m also having a problem with Dreamweaver CS5 where I open a file. Change the case of a variable. Press save. Then open the file again and the variable has reverted back to the original (unchanged) name. The changed case has not been saved.
    Has anyone else experienced this or got a solution for it?

  • Kurt says:

    “I’m also having a problem with Dreamweaver CS5 where I open a file. Change the case of a variable. Press save. Then open the file again and the variable has reverted back to the original (unchanged) name. The changed case has not been saved.
    Has anyone else experienced this or got a solution for it?”

    Steve, I’m experiencing the same exact symptoms, and it’s driving me nuts because I’ve looked everywhere in the settings for a way to turn it off and nothing has worked. In my case, at least, the underlying problem isn’t exactly as you describe. Dreamweaver does save my changes, but the next time it reads in the file, it changes the casing in the display only (without writing the changes to the file). Then when I change something else in the same file and hit “Save”, the originally fine casing in the file gets overwritten. It only happens with “onclick” and “onkeyup” (but not all the time), which Dreamweaver wants to camel case (even though this violates the standard).

  • Kurt says:

    Hello again, Steve. I just found a cheap workaround that worked for me. I hope it helps you too.

    0) Go to Dreamweaver >> Preferences >> Code Format >> Tag Libraries…
    1) Find the tags for which Dreamweaver is screwing up the casing.
    2) Change the case using the drop-down menu.

    It’s tedious because you have to change all of them one at a time. I’d recommend setting them all to “Default” and then just changing the default to whatever you want all of them to be so it’s easier to change in the future.

    There should be some way to just disable this feature entirely, but I haven’t found it. Does anyone else know how?

  • Xavi Author says:

    Thanks Kurt!
    I’m adding the bug and your solution to the list.
    I have tested it in CS5 (Win7) but can’t replicate the bug. If you find any solution please post it and I’ll update the list.

  • janny says:

    everytime i scroll within the applications, it crashes :(

  • Hm says:

    Basically, Dreamweaver CS5 for the Mac is stuffed full of bugs, glitches and endlessly crashing problems. When it does work, it’s unresponsive and horrendously slow at basic tasks like copying and pasting text, and its interface has got worse and worse every version. I used to like Dreamweaver, now it’s just shit. Sort your goddam software out Adobe, rebuild from scratch to properly take advantage of OS X, or just admit your shit and get out of the game. I’m utterly fed up of it.

  • pete says:

    There are so many bugs in dreamweaver cs5 it’s unbelievable.
    Adobe can’t be bothered to solve them, they just released CS5.5, a pointless upgrade (if you can call it that) to rake in yet more cash.
    Yet they haven’t bothered to solve the bugs from CS5…. I guess now all they will be interested in is CS6.
    How do they get away with it, how come trading standards doesn’t interevene in the UK, as the product isn’t “fit for purpose”.
    If it was Honda, they’d have to solve the problem or be sued. With Adobe we seem to have to put up with it and try and run businesses. Daily we lose valuable time because of them. One day somebody will sue.

  • Billbo Baggins says:

    I agree, DW gets more buggy with each release. Adobe should be ashamed of the product quality. Tech support is a joke. It’s time the developer and design community stood up and stopped buying Adobe products. Maybe they’ll start to listen if they lose a few million in sales.

  • Simon says:

    Another Bug in CS5..
    If you are editing in Split screen mode with “Live View” selected, and you click the undo button more than twice (i.e. click it 3 times. Click, Click, Click) Dreamweaver crashes..! Everytime without fail..! I’ve now go into the habit of clicking the “Save button every time I make a change to my code, as it crashes and looses everything so often.

    It’s a shame, as Dreamweaver used to be good.
    It always happens with software companies. They think they have to add more bells and whistles to justify the new version, but it just ends up blotted and bug ridden.

    I’ll never waist my money on Adobe rubbish again!

  • bob says:

    In design view, I select an item on my webpage. Then I create a link for that item by dragging from the Link window in the Properties palette to the file in the File palette. When I move on the the next item in my webpage that I want to link, the first item WILL NOT DESELECT. No matter how many times I click around to other items. A memory issue? Thx.

  • karin says:

    Hola , me pueden ayudar tengo dreamweaver cs5, al llamarlo me pone el siguiente mensaje

    “Al ejecutar onload en design Notes_onOpen.htm, se han producido los siguientes errores de JavaScript

    En el archivo Design Notes_onOpen”:
    onOpenis not defined
    además no me sale el PHP como puedo arreglarlo o añadirlo…al Dreamweaver. Gracias por su ayuda

  • luespi says:

    I was working on dw on a large file then my wife started to othered me and I clicked a few times I dont see where but this file I had been working on for weeks just vanished I dont know how I looked for recently deleted and recently modified files in w7 but is shows no file was modified nor deleted in this day, actually it was the only file I was working on today

    nothing in the recycler
    nothing anywhere the file simply vanished!!!

  • Frank says:

    Hmm… where do I start with DWCS5 bugs?? I’ll start with these two which are the most annoying.

    1. when ‘standard’ is enabled in the toolbar (Rt. click toolbar), the undo, redo and save icons will be greyed out the majority of time after making edits to a file. Forcing me to use keyboard shortcuts instead.

    2. Give an HTML file a title in the title tags, click in the ‘Title’ window on the toolbar and *POOF*, the title you just typed changes back to Untitled Document

    This really is crap…

  • TechGuru says:

    Interesting article. Predictable comments.

    to those who say DW is for ‘hobbyists’ and DW is ‘crap’… i will repeat what professionals already know. 1) get a real computer (that means a PC, not a McShite, or iShite. 2) Learn how to use it and look after it. (dont waste any more time with McTosser or McKnowItAll). 3) but an AdobeSuite and learn how to use it. (dont believe the tossers on the Adobe forums who answer every question with “you cant – because you’re a consumer – but 3rd party software”.

    Its hard to get the truth. But the truth is simple.
    Get a PC. Read the manuals.

  • Hugh says:

    Some really good comments above. I have been using DW since the Macromedia days. This was excellent software in the past.

    So what has changed? Human beings were moved from one company to another. As humans resist forced change, it would appear that the folks writing the back-end script for DW are not motivated and are choking the application from the inside out.

    As the application deteriorates, complaints increase, profits drop and the end becomes nigh.

    Come on Adobe!!! wake up.

  • DW Frustrated says:

    Does anyone know a work-around for a bug I’ve encountered? I save a file in DW CS5, close out… or try to work on it at a later time; and it says either “file not found” or nothing happens.

    I have to create a new file, open the orignal in a broswer and copy the code from there, add it to DW, edit; save. and do this for every version of 1 site.

  • Sorin says:

    For TechGuru: Let me check: I use a PC, an expensive and high-end one, I read the manuals – in fact, I done this in the last 25 years, since 1987, when I read for the first time a computer manual – I have been using DW since Macromedia days and I REALLY know how to use it. Well, the last three versions goes worse and worse. It is a fact, sorry.

  • Jolynn Y. says:

    What I have noticed using Dreamweaver in the new Master Suite Collection. I will make a change in CSS and it doesn’t update like it should sometimes it does, other times it doesn’t. They need to designate a file as a backup elsewhere that you select along with where you save images too.

    Another thing I noticed is that all the other Adobe products have a file called ‘presets’ with a color swatch library were we can place our ASE or Kuler color scheme files at, it would be nice to have them there. Yes we can use the widget to get a color scheme but having them available in the color box to pull up would be incredibly helpful. Or even a box that lets you add your favorite colors in the color picker would be nice. Once you find those colors it is nice.

    Also on the widgets exchange it would be nice if they designate the version of HTML that the widget is for, and the date it was created. There is nothing like getting a widget that is so outdated that the code doesn’t work properly. Or it was designed for an older version of HTML and it mentioned it no where until you download it and have wasted valuable time.

    Or what about something that aids newbies on figuring out where to place the JavaScript or JQuery in their code, maybe a video that is available and kept available the minute DW comes up.

    Just I’m looking to save some time here, I love HTML5 and CSS3 and can hardly wait for IE 10 to come out. Wish they would put the peddle to the metal in getting things done sooner. We have all waited long enough for CSS3 and HTML5 to get here, and jokers holding on to their old MS IE versions need to wake up and upgrade to the hi-tech world we have become.

    Oh and yes I have had crashes, and no I have not had it hooked up directly to a server as I am still in learning mode an testing things out. I have used a server, just never hooked it up. Perhaps it is best to leave the server out of the loop and let them update by way of what ever program they use like FileZilla, etc. The most confusing thing for me has been the interface with a possible live server post . . . that can be a night mare for some web companies or a GOD send for NEWS media people.

    Jolynn Y.

  • Michele says:

    The worse of DW CS5 is point out the anonymous functions as

    $var = function() { something };

    that is correct as explained in http://php.net/manual/en/functions.anonymous.php

  • Swiss Designer says:

    True. Dreamweaver is complete crap. Not usable anymore. Adobe is the new microsoft. They have killed every application that once was great. Remember: Dreamweaver once was a cool, easy to use app. Freehand was great and easy to use. Even Flash was great and easy to use. Indesign still sucks and looks und feels bulky like page maker.

  • TDK says:

    Adobe is the best company who can make total garbage like Adobe Dreamweaver from the masterpiece like Macromedia Dreamweaver. now i’m quitting CS6 with full of angry and despair.

  • fashwath says:

    my computer restart at middle while installing dreamviewer 6
    I have 1 gb ram
    500gb harddisk
    xp sp 3

    please help me !

  • Brian says:

    Wow… here it is 4 years later, I am running CS6, and still encountering many of these same bugs, not to mention a few new ones. There’s no excuse for this Adobe. Time for a new IDE for me….

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