SEPA XML Generator icon

Free SEPA XML File Online Generator

Generate a SEPA XML file ready to upload to your bank and automate multiple payments to recipients


This online tool will generate a valid SEPA XML file following the official PAIN.001 scheme, ready to upload to your bank and generate all the necessary instructions to pay several recipients quickly and effortlessly.

Step 1

Have an Excel file (or Google Sheets) ready with the following columns, in this exact order: Full Name, NIF, Amount, IBAN. Then, select all cells, copy them and paste them in the big text field.

Amounts must be written with a dot (.) as the decimal separator, and without any thousands comma:
✅ 1500.67
✅ 1500
Step 2

Type in your bank's BIC number, IBAN of your account, company and payment details. Here's a few BIC examples:


Press the Generate button and an XML will be ready to download if no critical errors are found.

Step 1

Make sure rows are separated by Tabs ( )

Step 2

Fill in your bank account and company details:

Remittance Information, usually visible to the recipient of the payment

Bank and Company details will be saved in your browser and auto-filled for your convenience, delete data. Triple-check everything is OK before uploading the XML to your bank. I am not responsible for any loss or damage.