The Human Password Generator
The Human Password Generator
This is an easy trick to remember thousands of different secure passwords that you can use in any website on the Internet based on simple combinations. Follow these steps to find the unique password of each website:
- Get the domain name of the website
(without the protocol, subdomain or extension, for it would be google)
- Use the symbol '*' three times for all combinations
- Type in yes if the domain name is more than 6 characters or no
(for google it would be no)
- Type in your name in uppercase
(lets use David for the examples)
- Repeat steps on any passwords shorter than 8 characters
(too easy or difficult? Generate a new combination until you like it)
Website | Password | | ***noDAVID | | ***yesDAVID | | ***yesDAVID | | ***noDAVID | | ***noDAVID |
Recovery key
Print this page (website optimized for printing) and store it in a safe place. If you ever forget the combination just access this URL:***&a=step_common_symbol,step_domain_longer,step_yourname,
Keep it private! Anyone can recover your combination (and passwords) by typing the URL in any browser.
Further notes
- This is the simplest method to create very secure passwords, different between websites and easy to remember.
- Do not save this website in your computer or email it to you, print it and store it somewhere super safe.
- None of this information is stored or read by anyone except you and people behind you.
- The tool currently offers 1,689,885 different combinations.
- Feedback, bugs, comments or ideas please write a comment here