UI/UX Designer

We're hiring an experienced UI/UX designer to take the user experience of Glownet to a new level. You will be part of a passionate design te

Glownet Event Technology Glownet Event Technology Madrid, España

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We're hiring an experienced UI/UX designer to take the user experience of Glownet to a new level. You will be part of a passionate design team and working closely with developers and project managers to bring ideas and new concepts to life. You will be involved in all phases of the product: from crafting high level vision & strategic direction to fixing design bugs and initiating changes based on user feedback. As a visual designer for Glownet you will be responsible for crafting a unique and engaging visual DNA with all its assets including colours, iconography, typography, motion, space, sound, accessibility and user experience. We are passionate about visual UI design and believe in the business impact it has, so we will give you the freedom to explore and invest. The design system you are working on will define user interfaces of Glownet apps: the server side, operators’ app and customer face app.  Let’s craft the future of task management, productivity, collaboration and live focus together!


• Create a holistic design system and a consistent brand DNA by creating inspiring visual mood boards, easy-to-read icons, amazing UI explorations and beautiful animation studies.• Produce an amazing visual design. With your structured approach in developing visual design you will not only pay attention to detail but also think about the broader picture and performance indicators that will show the success of newly designed features.• Ship a product that users love. You will actively take part in user research and weave together user insights, business goals and product requirements into great and intuitive solutions, even when there are technical constraints.• Drive the team and product forward. You will facilitate engaging workshops, brainstorming sessions and innovation.• Provide designs for web and android apps.


To land this job, you should show us at least 3 of the following qualities: • Storytelling and end-to-end product development: Show us how your designs evolved from sketches on the wall to a polished product that solves customer problems. How did you use storytelling to ensure a seamless experience?• User-centred thinking: We would love to see how user data influenced your design decisions and what you did to measure its success• Variety of design methods: Do you design great digital products and the way people collaborate with each other? Great. Show us some examples of how you use your creativity to facilitate collaboration.• Creating and managing brand / UI libraries: We are interested in your ideas and strategies to ensure a consistent design language• Collaboration with stakeholders: Show us how you act on the needs of engineers, PMs and what your strategies are to involve them in the design process.

Glownet Offers

• Unique professional growth – We’re a smart, diverse, ambitious and hard-working team. We guarantee you’ll develop your skills, and your cross-industry and cross-functional knowledge immeasurably.• Start up culture – We work in the live events industry where our client's business is delivering entertainment. We work hard, however in many ways this doesn't feel like work. You’ll be given plenty of opportunity to direct your work according to your passion.• Personal development is important for us: We have a Clear Career paths for both managers and individual contributors with a yearly budget for personal training & conferences. As well as a huge amount of extremely talented people to learn from, as well as many great internal trainings.• We want you to work with the tools you are best at. We want to use modern software like Sketch, InVision, Principle and Abstract, but are always open to new suggestions.  • We provide flexible work times and locations. In our beautiful and bright office at Sol, in Madrid, we have free coffee and friends.• Our team culture and processes are as agile as our product roadmap. But it is equally important for us to focus on what is most important, rather than developing as many features as possible. Simplicity is at our heart as well as to ensuring that we have design driven & data informed product team with people from all over the world.

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