Starlab Software Engineer

The responsibilities of the successful candidate as a member of the Starlab Software team include delivery of polished and functional softwa

BASA Barcelona, España

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Categoria professional: Sense categoria laboral determinada Formació reglada requerida: Grau o Enginyeria Informàtica Idiomes: Anglès - Avançat

Acerca de la posición

The responsibilities of the successful candidate as a member of the Starlab Software team include delivery of polished and functional software to both the Earth Observation and Neuroscience departments. In this process, she or he might be involved in defining key technical requirements from user needs, providing accurate design solutions, building code according to design specifications and providing validation plans to fully test the candidate software solutions. The following are key requirements we expect the successful candidate to meet: - BSc. or MSc.: Computer Science or related, - ability to handle projects with a multi-scale approach, able to maintain a high- level view while paying attention to detail, - very hands-on approach and able to hit the ground running, - excellent communication and presentation skills, - fluent in English (spoken and written), - team player, our culture is very important to us, - curiosity, things change and we need to adapt, and - entrepreneurial spirit (we are a company!). And for the technical skills: - Python is our most common language. Knowledge of Matlab is also desired since most of our researchers are using it too for prototyping. - Knowledge of web technologies and concretely Javascript and Visualisation Libraries will help us to build our front-end solutions. - Experience with database design and administration will be needed when working on scalable back-ends. - Also in the server side, experience in distribution systems, cloud computing, as well as putting servers in production are desired skills too. - Experience with GIS technologies is also very welcome for the earth-observation related projects.-Tipus de relació professional: Contracte-Tipologia de contracte: Indefinit-Durada de contracte: indefinido-Núm. Hores setmanals: 40-Retribució brut anual: 25000

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