Performance Marketing Assistant - Prácticas

Job:- set up & optimize performance marketing campaigns (digital marketing)- focus on paid social for app downloads (facebook, Google, e

Torredembarra, España

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Job:- set up & optimize performance marketing campaigns (digital marketing)- focus on paid social for app downloads (facebook, Google, etc)- analyse campaign performance, decide changes in campaigns yourself but report back to your lead- explain campaign performance & changes on campaigns- brief creative department according to clients needs & performance goals (Banners + Videos)- be able to create your own copy to promote clients apps

Requirements:- fluent in English- super fast + great with Excel & numbers in general- you must be willing to spend a lot of money but make it profitable for the clients- creative mindset to come up with solutions to optimize bad performing campaigns- deep understanding of social networks like facebook, instagram, snap, etc.- you want to achieve something- mañana is no option

Benefits:- work from home- work in the fast growing economy of app marketing- learn from the best performance marketers in Europe- flexible work time depending on demand from clients