Design strategist

Qonsius is a new venture builder based in Madrid that strives to create a positive social, environmental and financial impact through the de

Dublin, Irlanda Remote OK!

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Qonsius is a new venture builder based in Madrid that strives to create a positive social, environmental and financial impact through the development of a new theory and practice of entrepreneurship.The role aims towards achieving a new type of business relationship that allows any stakeholder to realize with work so that we can help individuals attaining richer lives while building at the same time new and richer ventures for Society and the Planet.

Challenge 1: Framing Projects

- Design, plan & execute projects to frame the key challenges affecting a certain system for different ventures and purposes. - Participate in the communications with venture founders to ensure framing alignment.

Challenge 2: Conceptual solutions projects

- Design, plan & execute projects to define conceptual solutions to systems challenges leading the internal ideation initiative or coordinating the function with suppliers. - Communicate with venture founders for transparency purposes.

Challenge 3: Validation projects

- Design, plan & execute projects to validate solutions through an empirical approach including “reality-approximation artifacts”. - Propose, where necessary, convergent solutions to venture founders. - Articulate the salient value proposition.

Challenge 4: Business modeling projects

- Design, plan & execute projects to define fitting business models leading the internal ideation initiative or coordinating the function with suppliers. - Communicate with venture founders for transparency purposes. - Participate in the effort to develop relationships with potential suppliers in particular with IP related conversations.